
An intimate exile ስደተኛቅኔ (‘a personal lament, a collective grief’)

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by Mihret Kebede 
Film Screenshot

space is shape less

a place is a fiction,

and a fiction is a fact,


with a thought you triumph,

in a battle you don't take part

in a solely grief,

geography is just a graph.


ቦታ  ቅርጽ የለውም

ስፍራም  ልብ ወለድ ነው

በባከነ ሀሳብ….ባልዘመቱበት ድል

በብቻ ቁዘማ…..በብቻ ድልድል

ሀገር ካርታ ብቻ …. ካርታም ያው ምስቅልቅል

የሀሳብ መስመር ላይ ….ሀሳብን የሚጥል!


I am in exile! 

ባይተዋር ነኝ እኔ

ግዞተኛ ቅኔ


space is shape less

a thought is space less.

in an affair I roar,

in a plot I matter,

in a play I function

I am in exile. 


on the verge of the river,

a thirsty fish in a water.

in a short distance

in a breath away,

a breathless dense air.


I   am   in exile!


ባይተዋር ነኝ እኔ

ግዞተኛ ቅኔ

በገዛ መንደሬ

የተሸለምኩ መጥኔ

ትንፋሽ እያጋራሁ …..ትንፋሽ ያጣሁ ቅኔ

እያለሁ የለሁም

አልታያችሁም ?

with a breath that bind us,

with a scarce hope to come

in a short distance,

in a nearby vicinity,

I am in exile!      

can't you see me ?

እያለሁ የለሁም

አልታያችሁም ?

I am in exile 

in my own city 

ባይተዋር ነኝ እኔ …. በገዛ ሀገሬ

በገዛ መንደሬ

ስደተኛ ቅኔ


a sibling to my dream 

a stranger to a brother.

a distance between us

is a distance among us.

your lineage 

is a misconnect,

my thought line

is inadequate.

before I expelled,

I am a mis-placed

I am a mis-played 

can't you see me ?

አልታያችሁም ?


ለቤቴ እንግዳ

ለወንድሜ ባዳ

ከስደቴ በፊት….. የተሰደድኩ እኔ

ቦታዬ ላይ ሆኘ …..ቦታ ያጣ ጎኔ

ሀገሬ ላይ ሆኘ….ህብር አልባ ቅኔ

ግዞተኛ ቅኔ


I am in exile 

ባይተዋር ነኝ እኔ

ስደተኛ ቅኔ


on the verge of the river,

a thirsty fish in a water.

in a short distance

in a breath away,


in my own city

in my own city

ባይተዋር ነኝ እኔ በገዛ ሀገሬ

በገዛ መንደሬ

ስደተኛ ቅኔ


ቦታ ቅርጽ የለውም

ስፍራም ልብወለድ ነው

በባከነ ሀሳብ….ባልዘመቱበት ድል

በብቻ ቁዘማ…..በብቻ ድልድል

ሀገር ካርታ ብቻ …. ካርታም ያው ምስቅልቅል

የሀሳብ መስመር ላይ ….ሀሳብን የሚጥል!

I am in exile

I am in exile

Can’t you see me?


በገዛ መንደሬ

የተሸለምኩ መጥኔ

ትንፋሽ እያጋራሁ …..ትንፋሽ ያጣሁ ቅኔ

እያለሁ የለሁም

አልታያችሁም ?


I am in exile 

Can’t you see me?!


an intimate exile from Noelle Awadallah on Vimeo.

The publication of this piece was possible thanks to Frauenhelfenfrauen and VIDC.

Mihret Kebede is a multi-disciplinary artist and poet, co-founder of Netsa Art Village, Tobiya Poetic Jazz, and Addis Video Art Festival. She graduated from Addis Ababa University School of Fine Arts and Design in Painting and got a MA in Arts from the same school in 2016. She is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.