Lia Kastiyo-Spinósa

Lia Kastiyo-Spinósa is an editor, writer and artist. Caribbean. Migrant since a young age, firstly to the South of the Abya Yala continent where she encountered the reality of being an "other." In 2016, she graduated in Publishing from the University of Buenos Aires. Lia has been living in Vienna since 2018 and completing her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts. Since 2011, member of the editorial team of migrazine- Online Magazine by Migrant Women to Everyone. Since 2019, cultural worker for verein maiz- autonomous center for and by migrant womxn. As independent editor she has worked for Hypatia, GLEFAS, PLAN International, delhospital ediciones, kültüř gemma!, University of Vienna Student Union, among others.